ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEThe Arctic sea ice plays a crucial role in maintaining the temperature of the Earth, and its gradual decline due to global warming has been shown to bring adverse effects to humans. Read the article to find out more.
A study by an international team of scientists reveals the role of Arctic dipole reversal in the trend of losing Arctic sea ice. Learn more about it in this article.
A new study discovered that a giant hole, called a polynya, has formed in the Arctic ice sheet. The holes may appear again due to climate change and could mark the beginning of the Arctic's melting.
A new study shows how fast the global ice is melting, losing roughly 28 trillion tonnes since 1994. Record-breaking acceleration of ice loss throughout the planet worries scientists in a new study published on Monday.
A year-long expedition in the Arctic Ocean allowed researchers to witness how sea ice is disappearing in the North Pole, allowing them to project how the Arctic would be affected by climate change in the future.
Climate change is not just about the effect of greenhouse gas emissions, but natural events in the climate system as well. European researchers analyze the flow of Arctic sea ice as the possible trigger of the Little Ice Age.
The continuous melting of sea ice in the Arctic is, undoubtedly, the effects of climate change. To make matters worse, it seems the Arctic won't go back to its healthy state soon.
In an attempt to bridge the knowledge gap in the Arctic's climate system, scientists prepare to be marooned in the frozen Arctic Ocean for a full year.
Craters that were caused by methane blowout still leaking methane until now. Hundreds of 12,000-year-old craters were discovered in the Arctic sea floor by scientists.
Climate change seems to impact animal life in the Arctic through affecting its winds. Climate change is abundant in today’s generation. However, some just don't know that Arctic’s winds are also affected.
This year's maximum extent at the Arctic reached on March 7 at 14.42 million square kilometres and is 97,000 square kilometres below the previous record low.
Arctic again hits a low level of sea ice. Scientists blame the man-made global warming. Global warming is hitting the Earth badly. Recently, scientists have found that the frigid top of the Earth has a new record for the low level of sea ice.
If humans would help in decreasing the black carbon causing air pollution instead of increasing it will cause great help in the Arctic sea ice. Scientists foresee human help in this goal to decrease the effects of air pollution in the Arctic region.