Tags: Astronomers

NASA's Webb Telescope's Powerful Capabilities Unveiled

Early observations with this Webb Telescope will exhibit its capability of distinguishing the stars' individual light in the local universe making the most of the powerful capabilities of such a device.
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk

Starlink Broadband Satellites: Elon Musk Says There Is Nothing to Fear

Elon Musk, SpaceX CEO puts an end to worries if the Starlink Broadband Satellites will ruin the astronomy; or, if it will be considered a threat to the telecom industry; or if SpaceX is going to spin out Starlink anytime soon. His answer to all of these is a big "NO."
The international Gemini Observatory composite color image of the planetary nebula CVMP 1 imaged by the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph on the Gemini South telescope on Cerro Pachón in Chile.

Astronomers Share Snapshot of Beautiful Planetary Nebula

Using the Gemini South telescope, astronomers have taken a photo of a plenary nebula called the CVMP 1. The snapshot was taken during the Cerro Pachon summit in Chile. The said plenary nebula is located in Circinus' southern constellation some 6,500 lightyears away.

Astronomers Discover a “Forbidden Planet”

Its mass is 20 Earth masses and it speeds around its star in a full orbit every 1.3 days. Astronomers have found an exoplanet so rare that they have deemed it "The Forbidden Planet," according to a new study.

Planet Formation Process: A Closer Look

How are the planets formed? What is the required temperature and amount of gas present during the formation process? The astronomers found all these answers now.
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