Tags: Australia
4-Billion-Year-Old Remnants of Earth’s Crust Found Below Australia, Give Clues About the Formation and Evolution of Continents

Human Voices More Terrifying to Australian Marsupials Than Other Apex Predators
100-Million-Year-Old Fossils From Australia Reveal Three New Species of Monotreme

Marsupials Fear Humans More Than Any Other Predator, Australian Study Finds
3,000-Year-Old Pottery Rewrites Aboriginal History in Australia; Chemical Analysis of Sherds Reveals Trade Networks in the Continent
Sun’s Giant Unstable Sunspot Unleashes Powerful Solar Flare That Causes Radio Blackouts Across Australia, Southeast Asia
200 Parrots Fall From the Sky in Australia, Suffer From Mysterious Illness

Endangered Tasmanian Devil's Population Decline Sparks Evolutionary Genetic Shifts in Spotted-Tailed Quolls

Lost Landmass With Inland Water Discovered in Northwestern Australia; Ancient Colony Was Once Home to 500,000 People

DeepSouth: World's First Supercomputer That Mimics Human Brain's Efficacy and Power Will Go Online in 2024
Predator Behind Great White Shark With Ripped Belly That Washed Ashore in Australia Identified
Australia’s Home-Made Lunar Rover To Be Named by Public Voting, Mark the Country’s Breakthrough in Space Exploration

Beachgoers Stunned as the World's Most Dangerous Bird Makes a Splash on Australia's East Coast on Halloween
120-Million-Year-Old Fossilized Bird Tracks in Australia the Oldest Ever Discovered in Southern Polar Region

Dumpy Tree Frog Lifespan, Colors, Size: How Big Can It Get? Can It Really Morph?

Crocodiles Mistake Low-Flying Helicopter for Thunderstorm, Triggering Mating Frenzy at Australian Farm
15-Million-Year-Old Fossil of Ancient Giant Trapdoor Spider Discovered in Australia; Five Times Bigger Than Modern Relatives

Starlink International Outage Leaves Australians, Americans Without Network; SpaceX Resolves Issue
8-Centimeter Live Parasitic Roundworm Found in Australian Woman’s Brain Who Complained About Forgetfulness, Depression

World's Largest Living Crocodile in Captivity Might Surpass Previous Measurements, Having Grown Since 2011 Assessment
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