Tags: Bacteria
Life on Mars Possible? NASA Scientist Gives Two Reasons Why This May Happen

tRNA Molecule, MiaA Bacterial Enzyme May Soon Help Patients Get Rid of Persistent Bad Infections, New Study Reveals

Humans Can Breathe On Mars Through Bacteria's Help, Scientists Say

Engineered Bacteria Converts Carbon Waste Into Acetone and Isopropanol

Volcanic Bacteria That Thrives in Boiling, Acidic, Toxic, Lake In Costa Rica May Hold Answers To Life in Mars

Living Membranes in Kombucha Cultures Could Prevent Water Filters From Clogging, Study Says

Salmon Magnetic Sense Could Involve Magnetite Crystals In Specialized Receptor Cells in Their Noses, Research Says

Bacteria in Biofilms Present in Sewer Pipes, Kitchen Counters, Human Teeth Smarter Than Previously Thought

Bacteria on Hedgehog Developed Antibiotic Resistance in Response to Natural Skin Fungus

Cholera Bacteria Injected in a Soft Gel Shed Light on the Mechanics of How Growing Bodies Respond to Confinement

Sugar Ingredient Used in Most Foods Found to Trigger New Superbugs

Humble Little Legless Maggots Dubbed Superhero Insect for Helping Humans Solve Murders, Cleaning Chronic Wounds

Microplastics Act As Breeding Ground for Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria, Study Reveals

Recurring Urinary Tract Infection Solution: Scientists Use Whole-Cell Vaccines To Solve Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria
Scientists Use Nanoparticles to Kill Bacteria Hiding in Human Cells

Airborne Hydrogen Extraction Technique for Fuel, First Used by Bacterias in Antarctic

How Did an 11-Year-Old Girl Get Infected With Gonorrhea by Bathing in a Thermal Pool? Study Reports Unusual Case
Tiny Unicellular Protist Can Help Predict Climate Change and Buffer Global Warming, Study Says

Bacteria Has the Ability to Survive Antibiotics Through Liquid Protein Droplets; Molecular Production Due to Stress

Tuberculosis Spreads Like COVID-19; New Research Shows 90 Percent of TB Bacteria Transmits Through Droplets
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Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

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