The Asian hornet invasion in Europe was first recorded in 2021 in Ireland. Now, scientists traced back its native range and found it descended from a single queen in 2004. Read the article to know the full story.
Researchers created 3D printing drones inspired by a fleet of bees that can be useful in manufacturing and building difficult-to-access spaces or dangerous locations. Tap the article to learn more about this technology.
The royal beekeeper has announced to the queen’s bee her death and the change of ownership. A century old custom announcing to the hive the owner’s event can affect the bees behavior.
Honeybees take non-verbal communication to an entirely new level as they do the waggle dance to help robots communicate and perform tasks. Read to know more.
Over 20,000 bees were studied to determine how different species reacted to changing climatic conditions. Learn which copes better between small and large bees.
A new study found that coffee beans are bigger and more plentiful and that’s because of the teamwork between birds and bees. Learn more about the team up here.
The September volcanic eruptions on Las Palma in the Canary buried beehives and rescuers were recently reported to have rescued about five of these apiaries including their so-called "buzzing residents."
Researchers led by experts from the University of California, Riverside found meat-eating bees in Costa Rica that evolved to eat carrion and avoid competition for nectar.