Scientists Discover Method to Detect Tinnitus For the First Time

Tinnitus is a common hearing symptom in the form of ringing, buzzing, or other phantom noises. Non-profit organization The Bionics Institute of Australia and Deakin University collaborated to develop an objective way of measuring tinnitus.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Gulf War Illness Distinguished by Brain Activity

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Gulf War Illness Distinguished by Brain Activity

Chronic fatigue syndrome had previously been a symptom under the Gulf War illness. Abnormal brain activity after exercise shows the contrast of the two conditions which can help with the development of diagnosis and treatment for each condition and even for COVID-19 long-haulers with similar symptoms.

Study Says Baby And Adult Brains Sync Up During Play

Researchers have found that babies and adults are likely to be on the same wavelength during play. Researchers have found out that babies and adults are likely to be on the same wavelength, as they experience the same brain activity in the same brain regions during play.

How to Train Brain to Strengthen Communication

People can now have access to their brain activity in real time and gain control over it The main discovery of a new study conducted at D'Or Institute of Research and Education (IDOR) indicated that brain training with neurofeedback in less than one hour leads to the strengthening of neural connections and communication among brain areas.

Brain Functions Several Minutes After Death, Heart Dies First

It is going to take a while for the brain to cease functioning even if the body has died. Doctors at a Canadian intensive care unit accidentally stumbled on a patient that continues to experience brainwaves for about 10 minutes after his life support was cut.

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