MEDICINE & HEALTHResearch from UW Medicine found a link between chronic blocked nose or sinusitis to the condition and alterations with functional brain activity.
A parasite called toxoplasmosa gondii that infects the brains of rodents, and also found in humans, could evolve and cause the much-dreaded zombie outbreak.
In a new discovery, the complex neural network that connects the brain to the eyes might have developed far earlier than previously thought, according to a new study.
Scientists have pinpointed a brain molecule, microRNA-29, as a powerful controller of brain maturation, playing a key role in such neurodevelopmental disorders as autism.
Researchers from Stanford and KU Leuven identified 76 genes that affect the shape of the brain and face. But these genes do not explain the link between the face and cognitive ability, debunking pseudoscience beliefs between the two.
Researchers from the University of Rochester Medical Center used AI and neuro-imaging to map the complex neural processes that let brains comprehend spoken sentences.
Loneliness and wisdom are linked. And science has proof. New understandings into the neural activity associated with loneliness could help people improve the way it could be treated, a study says.
An afternoon nap is associated with better verbal fluency, locational awareness, and working memory. Experts say that taking power naps can clear the brain's jumbled thoughts.
Scientists have found a way to stimulate the brain to increase a person's courage and remove the feeling of fear. This will potentially help cure PTSD, phobias, and anxiety.
Love can make a person feel so many desirable and less desirable feelings. The bottom line is that something strange is happening inside the brain when a person falls in love.
There have been many theories about beauty for centuries, and yet beauty remains elusive. Scientists today explore which part of the brain responds to beauty.
Learning new things significantly changes the brain, such as learning how to drive. The UC Berkeley defines learning as an active process that builds on prior knowledge and occurs in a complex social environment.
Researchers studied brain scan and genetic data of over 12,000 patients and revealed how genetic disposition towards risky behaviors are embodied in the brain.
A new study showed that mothers who experienced childhood emotional neglect could leave intergenerational imprints that change brain structure and function.