Tags: Cancer

Gasdermin E: Useful Target for Improving Cancer Therapy

MEDICINE & HEALTH Cells with gasdermin E grow less and are more susceptible to death and don’t form tumors Cells need to die, sometimes. The process of cell death is encoded within the genome of all higher organisms to kill off cancerous cells, and as a regular part of the development to shape a mass of embryonic cells into the organism it will become.

Sugar-Free Diet Saves Billions In Government Services Too

Sugar intake has long been connected to the development of serious diseases like diabetes, cancer and even early death. This fact has prompted the government to rethink its approach to encouraging citizens from giving up their sugar intake.

Researchers Restored Silenced Cancer Genes to Fight a Broad Range of Cancers

Findings could lead to a new strategy to fight a broad range of cancers After a due study of human colon cancer cells and mice, John Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center researchers and experts confirm that they have successfully blocked the activity of portions of a protein referred to as UHRF1 and restored the function of hundreds of cancer-fighting genes that became misregulated by the disease.

Immune system therapy shows wider promise against cancer

A treatment that helps the immune system fight deadly blood cancers is showing early signs of promise against some solid tumors, giving hope that this approach might be extended to more common cancers in the future.

Researchers created a sensor to detect brain disorders

Using nanotechnology, UCF researchers have developed the first rapid detector for dopamine, a chemical that is believed to play a role in various diseases such as Parkinson's, depression and some cancers.

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