MEDICINE & HEALTHScientists have discovered a new version of the Omicron COVID-19 variant that is spreading seven times so far across Canada, Australia, and South Africa.
Scientists in Japan are working on a coronavirus-detecting mask that works as a person wears it, identifying infections that might otherwise have been missed.
A new study presented at the EuroEcho 2021 revealed the shortness of breath dyspnea is among the persistent symptoms experienced by long-COVID patients.
Chinese researchers have recently announced the progress in their research in making humanized pigs as models for COVID-19 research to test the efficacy and safety of vaccines and drugs.
A new study confirms that coronavirus does not affect the brain development of fetuses in expectant mothers who tested positive with mild or moderate COVID-19 during pregnancy
People with severe COVID-19 infection sometimes only have lung transplantation as their option to survive. The rising demand now raises questions on the ethics of allocating the scarce resource to those who chose to not get vaccinated.
Researchers from Stanford Medicine trace the path of infection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus to understand why smoking increases the risk of having a severe case of COVID-19.
Nearly two decades since the COVID-19 pandemic began and scientists have learned so much of its unusual symptoms, such as its adverse effects on the sense of sight and smell.
The severe acute respiratory syndrome, SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19 infection, is believed to transfer from animals to humans in a process called zoonosis.
The United Kingdom recently announced its first case of a COVID-19 positive dog who is now recovering at home. So, how are pets getting infected by the virus? Do they display similar symptoms as humans?
The World Health Organization (WHO) warns about the rising COVID-19 cases and deaths in Europe, wherein over half of the cases worldwide are recorded in the continent.
Some COVID-19 patients have suffered from severe vascular damage and physicians were unsure of the mechanism triggering this complication. Now, Tel Aviv University researchers found five coronavirus proteins that are damaging blood vessels.
A new study shows that the white-tailed deers in Iowa are positive with COVD-19. COVID-19 brought a pandemic that tested modern-day global health measures and scientific advances.
University of Oxford scientists have pinpointed that the gene LZTFL1 keeps the lungs from fighting off coronavirus, doubling the risk for respiratory failure and death during a COVID-19 infection.
New studies presented at the Society of Neuroscience suggests that COVID-19 could directly infiltrate the brain and neurons through the nose. Bypassing the blood-barrier could cause undetected coronavirus-affected neuron ciculation, leading to brain fog and other cognitive issues.
A new study finding recently showed that as much as 90 percent of tuberculosis bacteria released from an infected individual may be carried in droplets also known as aerosols that are expelled when one breathes out deeply.
Moderate and mild COVID-19 patients are at risk of developing a type of blood clot known as venous thromboembolism but a high dosage of anticoagulant or blood thinners works to prevent the condition.
A new preprint study recently found that children are not at risk for more severe COVID-19 disease with Delta than earlier severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 or SARS-CoV-2 strains.