Tags: CoViD-19

TAU Researchers Discovered COVID-19 Proteins That Harm Blood Vessels; Information Could Be Used to Develop New Treatment

Pfizer's Antiviral Pill Prevents Severe COVID-19 in Phase 2 of Clinical Trials
Oxford Scientists Found Gene in South Asian Ancestry That Doubles the Risk of Dying From COVID-19 Complications

Hearing Loss and COVID-19: Scientists Found that SARS-CoV-2 Could Infect Two Types of Cells in the Inner Ear

COVID-19: 'Forgotten' Amazon Tribes in Peru Learns About Coronavirus For The First Time

Zinc Dietary Supplement May Help Ease Initial Sign of Common Cold, Lessen Respiratory Tract Infection

Nipah Virus Outbreak Eyed as Trigger of the Next Pandemic; Is Our Healthcare Sector Ready to Face Another Zoonotic Disease?

COVID-19-Infected Man Transmits Virus to Pets Cat and Dog, Is This Human-to-Animal Transmission Caused By a New Variant?

Needle-Free Vaccine: Single-dose Skin Patch To Convince Children To Get Vaccinated

COVID-19 Conspiracy Theory Debunked: Claims 5G Technology Spreads Disease As Bill Gates Allegedly Aims "To Depopulate the World"

Past Psychological Trauma Exacerbates PTSD in Healthcare Workers During Pandemic, Oxford Researchers Say

Mood Disorders Increase Risk of Severe COVID-19 Which Leads to Hospitalizations, CDC Announces
Carbon Nanotubes: Novel Sensor That Can Detect SARS-CoV-2 Developed; Results in Just a Few Minutes

COVID-19 Could Damage Cells in the Blood-Brain Barrier and Increase Risk of Neurodegenerative Disorders, Study Says

COVID-19 Vaccine for Children: White House Announces Rollout of Pfizer Jab Developed for 5-11-Year-Olds Once Approved by FDA, CDC

Moderna, Johnson & Johnsons to Offer Booster Shots; What Should We Know About These COVID-19 Vaccines?

Tuberculosis Spreads Like COVID-19; New Research Shows 90 Percent of TB Bacteria Transmits Through Droplets

Are Extroverts Overwhelmed By Work From Home Setup During COVID-19? Results May Surprise You

Depression During Pandemic: How Does Nostalgia Affect Our Happiness in This Time of Health Crisis?

Pandemic Lockdown Affects Children’s Mental Health; New Study Shows More Playtime in Nature Means Less Behavioral Problems in Kids
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