Scientists “firmly determined” the natural evolution of Sars-CoV-2. (Photo : Reuters)Jacqueline Goes de Jesus, one of Brazil’s scientists that concluded coronavirus DNA sequencing, insert a tube on a portable device connected to a computer that decode virus DNA at the Tropical Medicine Institute of the Sao Paulo University Medical Schoo The coronavirus outbreak has continuously spread all over the world with more than half a million recorded cases globally.
Scientists have not found evidence that COVID-19 jumped from pangolins to humans, although they do host comparable viruses Pangolins, once doubted as the missing connection between bats and humans in the COVID-19 pandemic's origin.
Hantavirus may have reportedly infected and killed a man in China recently. However, experts say, this cannot be considered as the next global pandemic.
As the United States prepares for the season of disasters, the federal officials now have a new crisis to be worried about-the prevention of "tightly-packed disaster-response shelters" from turning into hotspots of COVID-19 transmission.
While COVID-19 continues to spread, infect and kill the world, another virus reportedly caused the death of a man in China on Monday. Reportedly, this man who died was tested positive for hantavirus.
Bill Gates, Microsoft co-founder said early this week that the United States has missed its opportunity to elude the mandated business closures as it did not make a move quickly enough on the COVID-19 pandemic.
Eagerness about the treatment for COVID-19 using malaria drugs has raised higher hopes which include US President Donald Trump. However, the pieces of scientific evidence are still lacking.
Hospitals are getting ready to test through the use of blood that newly-recovered patients donated. (Photo : Robert DeLaRosa on Pixabay) Hospitals are getting ready to test, if a hundred-year-old treatment applied to battle measles and flu outbreaks when vaccines were not yet available and tested more recently against Ebola virus and SARS, just might as effective with COVID-19.
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer speculated that vaping might have contributed to the factor although this has not yet been proven and studies are currently being made to determine if there is indeed, a link between vaping and COVID-19.
In the past week, a team of 30 volunteers from different companies such as Apple, Alphabet, and Amazon collaborated to set up a website named "covidnearyou," with the main objective of tracking COVID-19 as it spreads.
To help fight the worsening COVID-19 that is now affecting the world, a new initiative is transforming some shipping containers into intensive care units (ICUs).
Houseparty is fast becoming a favorite mobile app to download today especially that most people from all over the world are stuck at home, obeying world leaders' strict order of home quarantines and lockdowns.
One of the affected missions is the James Webb Space Telescope, where the work is currently put on hold. This was announced by NASA officials on Friday.
A top expert at the World Health Organization said lockdowns are not enough to combat COVID-19. There are more ways needed to be done to fith the disease.
Being stuck at home for a long time is challenging and this has been proven true by Scott Kelly, a retired astronaut at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration who lived on the International Space Station for almost one year.
Recently conducted studies present that loss of smell, also known as Anosmia, or diminished sense of taste or ageusia, have both occurred as abnormal revealing signs of COVID-19, an infectious disease which has now infected more than 300,000 and killed over 16,000 people worldwide.