Tags: CoViD-19

Majority of People With Long COVID-19 Develop an Autonomic Nervous System Disorder Dysautonomia, Study Reveals

Humans and Animals Share Diseases: What’s the Implication to Both Species?

Climate Change Linked to Viral Transmission; How Does Rising Temperature Contribute to the Spread of Ebola, Coronaviruses?

COVID-19 Reinfects People Who Took Pfizer Antivirus Treatment

Beijing Government Strengthens Initiative to Fight COVID-19, Testing 20 Million People Daily to Prevent Lockdown Distress in Shanghai

Hospitalization During COVID-19 Pandemic in US Linked to Antimicrobial Resistance Increase

Japanese COVID-19 Pill Claims Rapid Vanishing of Coronavirus Infection

Hepatitis Mystery Strain Affected 108 Children in the UK With 8 Requiring Liver Transplant

Novavax COVID-Flu Vaccine Shows Positive Results from Initial Trials; Formulation ‘Safe with Mostly Mild Side Effects’

People Previously Infected with COVID-19 Less Likely to be Reinfected with the Virus, Providence Study Reveals

Children with Omicron At Higher Risk of Developing Respiratory Infections, Cardiac Arrests

FDA Approves InspectIR COVID-19 Breathalyzer That Delivers Accurate Results in 3 Minutes

3 Tips to Prevent Eyeglasses From Fogging Up With a Face Mask

COVID-19 Irreversible Effect: Your Brain May Be Impaired After Even the Mildest Forms of the Virus

Decoy Nanoparticles Mimic Cells to Combat COVID-19, Here’s How It Works

How Alarming Can Post-COVID-19 Fatigue Be? 5 Effective Ways to Deal with the Condition After Infection

Cow Dung Once Believed to Treat COVID-19, Now Found Responsible for Deadly Black Fungus Epidemic in India

Proteins Identified in COVID-19 Patients’ Saliva Potential for Detecting Infection, Virus Severity

COVID-19 Omicron Variant: New Study Reveals This Strain is Less Severe Than Delta in Children Aged 4 Years Old and Below

Robot Dog Roams Around in China to Share COVID-19 Safety Measures As Coronavirus Cases in Shanghai Rise
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