Tags: Curiosity Rover

The Deceptive Surface of Mars

The team in charge of the Curiosity rover recently had to find a new route to some interesting rocks that they wanted to study because the original path proved too difficult for the rover to safely traverse.

NASA's Curiosity Rover Adjusts Route Up A Mountain

NASA's Curiosity Rover has been on the move heading towards some interesting rocks for further study. However, its chosen path proved to be too difficult for it to traverse due to the slippery slopes of the Martian mountain. However, scientists in charge of the mission were able to find a new path to the rocks that proved much safer and easier for the rover.

Curiosity Finds Compelling Evidence of Liquid Water Near Martian Surface

NASA's Curiosity rover on Mars has detected perchlorate compounds that are able to lower the freezing point of water, allowing it to remain in liquid form near the surface. Based on the data collected from the rover, researchers believe that liquid salt water may actually exist close to the surface.

Curiosity Rover Curious About Ice Cream Sandwich Rock Formations

NASA's Curiosity rover has analyzed numerous rock samples from three different locations in the lower regions of Mount Sharp that reveal unique mineral compositions. Along with the discovery of the different minerals, there were also prominent veins that show the mountains layers, revealing different stages of weathering. These two toned minerals were found in ridges along a site called "Garden City" where bedrock has eroded and exposed these veins.

Curiosity Mars Rover Seeks Answers in the Rocks of Pahrump Hills

Finding some interesting chemistry in the rocks of Mars, NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover decided to investigate on Telegraph Peak earlier this week, boring into the Martian surface in search of answers. Though the rock powder poses new questions to the chemical composition of the planet, the car-sized Curiosity rover is far from reaching its final destination.

Curiosity Rover Uncovers Potential Fossils on Mars

The Curiosity Rover has uncovered what appears to be rock forms very similar to those that were responsible for the formation of life on Earth. Located in the Gale Crater, the Curiosity continues its search for signs that Mars once supported life.
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