Tags: Discovery

New Chemistry Method: An Unforeseen Discovery

Dr. Petri Turhanen was working on ATP when he unexpectedly discovered that the cation exchange resin he was using was generating another molecule. Closer examination showed that the molecule had already been iodinated.

Two New Bird Species Have Been Discovered

The two new bird species were found in the Wakatobi Archipelago of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Precisely defining what a species is and how species develop has fascinated scientists for centuries; we may feel we automatically know what a species is, but the closer we look the more complex things become.

Kite-like Sea Creature Discovered in the Indian Ocean

Newly discovered deep-sea life seems to be tethered to the ocean floor. Deep in the Indian Ocean is home to some very strange sea life-even one that looks like a kite flying in the underwater currents.
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