ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEDolphins in the Gulf of Mexico have tested positive for fentanyl, leaving scientists shocked and worried about the potential implications.
Learn about NASA's failed Dolphin Communication Project, an ambitious attempt at interspecies dialogue. Discover the challenges and insights gained from this unique experiment. Read more!
Bottlenose dolphins reveal a hidden sixth sense—sensing electric fields in water with extended snouts. Continue reading to learn more about their extraordinary ability.
Two species of dolphins from genus Xenorophus were not adept at producing and hearing high frequencies as living odontocetes. Continue reading to learn more.
PBS's "Spy in the Ocean" series uses robot animal cameras among real wildlife to capture their natural behavior, like "spy dolphins." Check out the rare footage of megapod of spinner dolphins in action.
The human body holds 8 to 9 pints of blood, but a recent shark attack caused a man to lose 5 pints, before being saved by dolphins. Read to learn more.
Researchers observed bottlenose dolphins in Monterey Bay are begging for fish from recreational fishers despite it being illegal. Read the article to learn more about this story.
Dolphins are known to be intelligent creatures, but how smart are they? Read to find out. Several people agree that dolphins are among the sea's greatest brainiacs.
US Navy strapped cameras to its dolphins last year to help identify undersea mines and then gave them free rein to hunt in San Diego Bay. Check out this article to know how these marine mammals behave while hunting.
There is a rising concern that humans are next after a dolphin died from bird flu. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons/NASA) Is Bird Flu Behind 22 Dolphins, 5 Humpback Whales Being Washed Ashore in New Jersey, Florida? Fears H5N1 Will Jump to Human Rise After It Killed Mammals Numerous dolphin and whale deaths have been reported across the east coast, and scientists speculate that bird flu is the cause of death.