ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATESeveral factors are contributing to the frequent recurrence of wildfire in Borneo. The most common among these factors that amplify the risk of wildfires is the persisting drought in the region.
Environmentalists believe California’s extreme Drought to Deluge shift rings warning bells An extreme drought-to-deluge climate swing is sweeping California like never before.
The Dead Sea has revealed evidences of drought found after drilling its bed. With the evidences, scientists proved that their previous belief was wrong.
Climate changes have resulted in Horn of Africa to dry up. The Horn of Africa has been drying up consistently for the past 2000 years. Aside from the political conflict that has plagued the region for some time now, climate change is also making the situation worse.
Two Arizona State University engineers warn that the power grid of the American West must be prepared for the impacts of climate change. The region's entire infrastructure for electricity generation and distribution must be "climate-proofed" to diminish the risk of future power shortages.
California's record-setting drought has dried up large swaths of the San Joaquin River; bad news for the state's salmon. So in a desperate effort to save a generation of hatchlings, tanker trucks are being employed to transport the young fish downstream. With their normal passage blocked, the fish are now migrating via Highway 99.
For several years now it has appeared that the climate in the West has been drastically changing. Naysayers might say that the illusion of “climate change” is all in our heads, but for those who had to ration water this past summer in California, the concept of climate change is certainly no longer a joke. But the conversation may not be entirely full of gloom and doom. In fact, thanks to our beloved Pacific Ocean and that nice coastal breeze that we love so dear, we may just see cooler temperatures after all, but we’re not like to get more rain.
Recently accepted for publication by the journal Geophysical Research Letters, a journal of the American Geophysical Union, the research lead by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies analyzed the relative intensity and devastation caused by droughts since 1000 AD and found that though the 2014 summer in California was particularly out of the ordinary even in the driest of areas, it did not quite compare to the drought of 1934.