ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEResearchers created an algorithm that found evidence of a boundary line where iron in Earth's inner core has a different structure, suggesting a fifth layer of Earth. Read the article to learn more.
Scientists from Princeton University believe using ripples in space-time will help them reveal hidden properties of the universe and look back at the beginnings of Earth. Read the article to learn more.
Firing moondust on space to create a sun shield could help mitigate global warming. (Photo : Wikimedia Commons/Steve Fareham ) Creating a Sun Shield From Moondust Could Mitigate Climate Change on Earth [Study] There is a way to mitigate global warming and it involves using moondust.
The artificial intelligence (AI) system examined millions of radio signals from space to detect suspicious ones, like the eight signals that appeared to be extraterrestrial. Read the article to find out more.
Digging into the mechanisms beneath the earth's surface, scientists discover the presence of partially molten rock and try to see how this affects tectonic plate movement. Read to know more.
A new exoplanet is a good start to exploring habitable planets like Earth. Read on to know more about K2-415B which is similar to our planet in size but not in mass.
Unknown tidal force from the moon called 'Plasma Ocean' creates fluctuation on the earth's magnetosphere layer, based on the newest study. Read to learn how this occurence will affect the planet!
NASA and IBM are collaborating to tackle climate change and advance Earth science research with AI. Read on to learn more about their innovative approach!
A new exoplanet that is potentially habitable has been discovered. Read on to know the details. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Albaluau) A new exoplanet that is potentially habitable has been discovered.
An asteroid was spotted making an extremely close approach toward the Earth and it was captured in an extraordinary video. Read the article to know more.
Comet 96P/Maccholz 1 will be closest to the sun by January 31. Read to know more information. An enormous foreign comet, presumably from outside the earth's solar system, has been seen to straightly blaze toward the sun.
The Moon will pass in front of Mars from Earth's perspective on the night of January 30, causing a lunar occultation. Read the article to learn more details.
NASA and ESA team up to send a sophisticated robotic arm to Mars to retrieve samples collected by the rover. Learn more about this historic mission and its significance in space exploration. Read on now.
After analyzing data from NASA's Kepler, astronomers have projected that there are around 6 billion earth-like planets across the Milky Way Galaxy. Read to know more.
Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) recently gained attention after its flyby to Earth in which stargazers noticed that it temporarily grew an ethereal third tail due to a strange optical illusion. Check out this article to learn more about the green comet.