ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATENew research shows that they may just have found a way to breakdown the components of Polyurethane waste into products that may become at least useful.
The Usolyekhimprom chemical plant in Russia has been left abandoned and is now posing a threat for an environmental disaster as huge as that of the Chernobyl.
The heightened concern to fight the impact of global warming has fueled people to come up with ways to reduce trash and to get rid of them with minimal to no carbon emissions at all.
When people sort through their daily mail, they are more likely to find some junk in there somewhere. From a sales letter from an unknown company down to unnecessary materials in product packaging. Luckily, all these unwanted plastic items that people have can be recycled. After all, most mailers are composed of #2 high-density polyethylene if not the #4 low-density plastic polyethylene.
Although authorities say that they have shut the practice down, it seems as if the appalling truth about tiger farming in Southeast Asia has just been revealed.
The findings show that protected areas are grossly under-funded and that directly measuring the amount of area protected is insufficient conserving biodiversity
They say earthquakes will never be predictable, but new technology shows that it can gauge the full power of an earthquake a few seconds after it begins to tremble.
The problem on biodiversity is getting worse with cimate change and human lives may be at risks. (Photo : CLM-bv) The world's leading scientists are giving humans a fair warning before they release the results of their study concerning the Earth and its survival after biodiversity.