ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEExtracting proteins is possible now with the help of DNA that can encode majority of functions that keep living cells alive from even 80-million-old dinosaur bones.
Researchers analyzed green algae, red algae, and glaucophytes to find the origin of photosynthesis. Glaucophyte Cyanophora paradoxa and cyanobacteria have the similar respiratory effect on photosynthesis
Research found that flowers believed to have evolved to lure hummingbirds really showed combinations of traits to keep away bumblebees, whose visits were 'wasteful' for the plants.
Scientists find that life can exist even if there is no oxygen When you walk through the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park, you may find extreme environments.
Scientists provided clues that new species evolve faster as the mountains continue to form. Old species will branch out to form new species that can adapt to new environmental features.
A new study concludes Fruit rich diet drove primates to evolve big brains. The fruit-eating animals turned out to have 25 percent more brain tissue than others.
An international team of sensory and evolutionary biologists from UK, Canada, and France conducted a study on a rare family of insects. Researchers studied on the sound-generating organs in Orthopterans to understand how bush-crickets developed their highly specialized acoustic functions.
A team of astrophysicists from United States, Netherlands, and Italy found a young planet which is 300 light-years away. The planet is only 13 million years old and 11 times larger than Jupiter.
The 423 million years old Sparalepsis fish fossil revealed the secrets of fish evolution. Researchers from Flinders University, Australia and the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, China found this fossil from Southern China
Fossil of two human skulls was discovered from the Lingjing site in Eastern China. Zhan-Yang Li and his team found that those skulls are more than 100,000 years old and they have some similarities with both modern and Extinct human species.
Last Friday, scientists uncovered a 122-foot long dinosaur. It is so big that even the American Museum of Natural History in New York, home of the biggest blue whale model, may need some extensions.
The long relationship between humans and dogs has just been pushed back by tens of thousands of years, thanks to a small piece of rib bone found during an expedition to the far northern reaches of Siberia. And the genetics show that dogs split from wolves much earlier than we once believed.
Researchers at Yale University recently delved into the evolutionary history of snakes, and what they discovered was an ancient creature who lived over 120 million years ago in the warm forests of the Southern Hemisphere. And most interesting of all, this creature sported tiny hindlimbs, replete with ankles and toes.
The mighty mandibles of the trap-jaw ants are legendary in the animal kingdom. Members of the genus Odontomachus have specialized spring-loaded jaws that can snap shut at speeds of 60 meters per second, with forces that exceed 300 times their body weight. But in four species, those powerful jaws are not only great at catching prey, they can also aid in the ant's escape.
One of the latest breakthroughs from Yale scientists: the mighty dino-chicken. The Yale team used molecular manipulation to grow chicken embryos with Velociraptor snouts and published their results yesterday in the journal Evolution. The embryos did not hatch.
Anyone who knows paleontology, knows the older the sediment, the greater the potential for documenting the evolution of life on earth. I guess the same can be said of certain naturalists, namely David Attenborough, who has been exploring life on our planet for almost 90 years.
In the search for the origins of life, scientists have found a striking new link between lone cells and complex creatures like humans. The connection comes from observing life under the harsh conditions that exist near volcanoes more than a mile below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean.
It’s a well-known fact that in nature it’s often the boys that have the better looks. Without the task of investing their energy and resources into the next generation of children males are able to reallocate their resources into preening and looking pretty. But it’s a curious case that is far from what the original evolutionary biologists once thought.
Modified Yeast Unlocks Biofuel Potential You may know that a modified diesel engine can actually run on highly filtered oil left over from the deep fryer.