SPACEJames Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is exceeding expectations, showing it can directly snap an exoplanet and allow scientists to study the composition of its atmosphere. Read the article to know more.
James Webb Space Telescope captures carbon dioxide in the WASP-39b exoplanet. Continue reading to know more about the latest data captured by NASA's telescope.
The International Astronomical Union (IAU) launches the NameExoWorlds 2022 competition to name an exoplanet and its host star. Check out how to join the competition in this article.
Scientists found that Neptune-sized exoplanets orbiting bright massive stars get stripped of their outer layers, which might explain why there are only a few of them found. Continue reading to know more.
NASA astronomers claim that TESS found an exoplanet bigger than Earth, categorized as sub-Neptune. Continue reading to know more about the mini-Neptune.
There may be an exoplanet in the universe with your name. Read on to know how to help International Astronomical Union label planets that NASA's James Webb Space Telescope would examine.
Japan's Subaru Telescope just discovered its first exoplanet named Ross 508b which could have retained water on its surface given its location near its star. Read the article to learn more about this super-Earth.
NASA examined the data collected by the Spitzer Space Telescope to understand how sand-based clouds form in other planets and brown dwarfs. Read more about the findings.
NASA launches visual tours of exoplanets where visitors can access tours by visiting NASA's Exoplanet website. Continue reading to know more about the featured planets and what life is outside Earth.
SETI Institute gives further insights about the rare and mysterious presence of trojan planets outsaide our solar system. Learn more about what trojan exoplanets are and why we can't find many of them.
Astronomers discovered two rocky exoplanets orbiting a red dwarf star. Find out how the use of NASA’s TESS was able to identify the extraterrestrial worlds.
One of the strangest exoplanets ever discovered by astronomers has recently been shown to be a false positive. Read more to know what happened to HD 131399Ab.
Latest astronomical study over Neptune shows how it dropped its own atmospheric temperatures over 20 years. Learn more about the new discovery from the mysterious Neptune.
A massive planet the size of Jupiter is currently being formed near the protostar AB Aurigae. Read to find out why experts find its planetary formation unusual.