ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEIn a new study, a team of researchers discovered that methane in the atmosphere had raced beyond 1,900 parts a billion, which is thrice the levels discovered before the industrial revolution.
Researchers recently reported that rising temperatures brought by climate change could lead to prolonged blackouts in the United States during peak times. According to a new study, such an occurrence will drive a rise in the number of residences and businesses that run air conditioning through the summer in the country.
For hundreds of years, flowers in the United Kingdom have been blooming in seasons in which a few months before springtime, sometime in May or June, the country is bursting into color.
A new study by Stanford University recently revealed the methane that leaks from natural-gas burning stoves within the United States homes has a climate impact compared to the carbon dioxide released from approximately 500,000 gasoline-powered vehicles.
Researchers with the Mental Health and Climate Change Alliance (MHCCA )found substantially higher anxiety brought by climate change following the heat dome.
NASA and NOAA reveals that 2021 ties up with 2018 on the sixth warmest years of the past decade. NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have released a report regarding the planet's changing climate.
A team of international researchers has concluded in their study that contrary to earlier conventions, the Arctic Ocean is warming since the early 1900s due to a phenomenon known as Atlantification.
Researchers from the University of Arizona reconstructed Earth's climate since the last ice age and found that there is a general trend of global warming in the past 10,000 years that suggests that its speed is faster than anything since the last 24,000 years.
Researchers used artificial intelligence to analyze the climate and wildfire data to estimate the role of climate change and other factors that play a key role in the increasing numbers of wildfires in the country.
The World Meteorological Organization expressed their concern over the hottest temperatures recorded throughout 2015 to 2021 at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (UN COP26).
Researchers combine protist experiments and mathematical models to understand how they respond to climate change and how they can play a big role in buffering global warming.
Experts have recently called for more urgent research on the link between heat and chronic kidney disease of the uncertain cause or CHDu to examine the situation.
Images and a map developed by Climate Central revealed the catastrophic future of landmarks and coastlines across the planet if the global temperature increases by 3 degrees Celsius.
Arctic Ocean's Last Ice Ocean is a region where summer sea ice will likely make a last stand before disappearing by 2100 that could lead to sea-level rise and disappearance of seals and polar bears.
A recent report from the US Energy Information Administration said that electric vehicles adoption is not fast enough to meet climate goals as the transportation sector becomes the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.
Scientists recently came out with a warning that by 2500, if humans don't act to save the planet, it will be alien to them as a result of long-term environmental impacts.