Tags: Goddard Space Flight Center

NASA Satellite Imaging Picks up California Burn Marks & Incoming Tropical Storms

NASA Satellite Imaging Picks up California Burn Marks & Incoming Tropical Storms

NASA's satellites have been tracking wildfires, resulting in burn marks, tropical storms, and many other activities in the Earth's atmosphere. Recent images revealed recent burn marks from the massive California fires as well as two tropical storms active near the coast of Mexico and Baja California.
After 50 Years, Earth Receives Laser Signals From the Moon

After 50 Years, Earth Receives Laser Signals From the Moon

50 years after the first glass panel was installed on the Moon, laser beam signals were picked up at a station in France. Scientists can now measure the precise and changing distance between the Moon and Earth amongst other measurements.

What Lies On the 'Dark Side' of the Moon?

The recent full moon isn’t the only lunar news to come out of the woodworks this week. It appears that its hidden face is also making headlines here on Earth too. Though historically shrouded in mystery, even with NASA astronauts and other space agencies touching down on the surface of the moon, it appears that researchers are now able to reveal what lies on the “dark side” of the moon thanks to five years of mapping data collected courtesy of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.

Thanks To Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter NASA Reveals What Lies on the Dark Side of the Moon

Ever wonder what lies on the dark side of the moon? It’s a perspective unlike any that humans have ever seen, and it has been a question that researchers and civilizations have asked for thousands of years. But now, thanks to data collected by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, NASA is showing us exactly what lies on the dark side of the moon, and the view of our solar system whirling around it.

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