Tags: Health

Humans and Mice Are Two Identical, Yet Different Creatures

Humans and Mice Are Two Identical Yet Different Creatures For the longest time around, in most research studies on health and medicine, mice have been the favorite "substitute" for humans in experiments or tests.

Germ-killer Triclosan Found in Soap May Cause Liver Damage

Germ-killer triclosan found in soap may cause liver damage, as well as other diseases. What used to be much cited in marketing ads of antibacterial soaps and other cleaning products has now become associated with depreciating health.

Energy Drinks Are Dangerous to Young Kids, Study Says

Energy Drinks Are Dangerous to Young Kids, Study Says With the fancy, colorful and attractive packaging, its sweet taste, and the term used to describe it; "energy drinks" are seen by many as a harmless beverage with no health hazards even to the young consumers.

Trans Fat Causes Poorer Memory, Study Says

Trans Fat is Not Only Bad for the Heart, but also Harmful to the Mind, Study Says Trans fat has never been known for its health benefits. It has been associated with cardiovascular diseases caused by high cholesterol levels.

A 10-second Kiss May Transfer up to 80 Million Bacteria

A 10-second kiss may transfer up to 80 million bacteria, a new study says. The sweetest and most passionate kiss could turn into a fatal kiss of death, depending on what kind of microbes you share and transfer in the process.

Virus Causes Stupidity In Infected Patients

Researchers found a certain virus that causes increased stupidity. Fever, fatigue and a weakened immune system that could lead to more diseases, and worse, death are common features of viral infections.

Mobile Phone Use Linked to a Deadly Brain Cancer

Mobile phones linked to a deadly brain cancer, but there's no need to worry, researchers Say. A recent study has linked frequent mobile or wireless phone use to glioma, a certain kind of deadly cancer, and suggests that those who have been using their mobile phones for 25 years have thrice the risk of developing the disease compared to those with one year of wireless phone use.

WHO Reports More Than 5,000 Deaths From Ebola as of Nov. 9

WHO reports more than 5,000 deaths from Ebola as of Nov. 9 Number of Ebola deaths in the West African trio-- Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone-- has reached 5,147, as of November 9, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Shifting Work Schedule Linked to Poor Brain Function

Long-term shift work linked to poor brain function, study says A shifting work schedule leads to a number of health issues such as heart diseases, metabolic syndrome, peptic ulcer, and cancer, among others.

Lactose Intolerance Linked With Lower Cancer Risk

Lactose Intolerance Linked With Lower Cancer Risk, According to Study Having lactose intolerance may be a blessing in disguise for people who'd rather experience some digestive problems such as bloating, diarrhea, and gas after eating or drinking milk or milk products, rather than having a deadly and painful disease such as cancer.

Laundry Detergent Pods Pose Danger To Kids At Home

Laundry detergent pods pose danger to children in their own homes. While doing the laundry may seem completely innocuous, exposing your children to detergent products contained in laundry detergent pods have posed more risk in U.

New HIV Drug Promises to Be Cheaper, With Less Side Effects

Gilead seeks approval for new HIV drug; promises to be cheaper, with less side effects. More than 1. 1 million people in the United States are currently living with HIV infection, and almost one in six HIV-positive individuals are unaware of their disease, according to Aids.

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