MEDICINE & HEALTHA new study found that tattooed skin does not sweat as much as non-tattooed skin, which may have implications for heat-related injury.
In investigating how water heats up under extreme conditions, a team of researchers observed water that remained in its liquid form even at temperatures of 170 degrees Celsius and above.
Researchers found that painting buildings with white keep them cool. This major advance in the field which uses a super white paint reflects almost all of the incoming radiation from the Sun.
Winter seasons can be uncomfortable for some as it would require a lot of heating and clothes but you can help your body to adjust to the cold temperature
Unwinding fibers could potentially be the base of a new cooling technique. (Photo : University of Texas) The commercial and industrial demand for cooling techniques and technologies are currently based on the thermodynamic principles of refrigeration cycles by compression and expansion.
Researchers forecasted the enormous losses for maize and spring wheat, but more resilient crops such as sorghum, which is half as sensitive to high temperature as maize, will experience less damage
Heatwaves hit the worlds oceans likened to wildfire by Scientists. Extreme temperatures are killing the corals, seagrass and kelp and all of these have a great impact on the survival of humanity.
Earlier it was believed that the physical body of a man responded differently to heat than a woman's body but a recent study claims that the response depends on the body size rather than the sex.
For many years researchers have sought to discover just how many uses magnetic fields can have. To date they have become essential in quantum computing, they are vital in medical imaging, and astronomers have even used natural magnetism to amplify the signals of light from far off supernovae and galaxies so that we here on Earth can see them hundreds or thousands of light-years away. But in a new study from researchers at Ohio State University, nanotechnologists have revealed that magnetic fields can impact our lives in far more real ways—controlling heat and sound waves that exhibit magnetic properties of their own.