Tags: Hydrogen

Tiny Microbial Factories That Produces Hydrogen By Photosynthesis

Researchers created droplet-based microbial properties that produce hydrogen by photosynthesis. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe and now it is considered to be the fuel of the future with car companies using it to fuel their futuristic car models.

Physicists Finally Achieved Room-Temperature Superconductivity

A team of New York-based physicists has achieved one of modern science's most sought after phenomena - a material that conducts electricity with virtually perfect efficiency in what is known as superconductivity - with new material, and at higher temperatures.

Europe Government Funds Pilot Construction of Eco-Friendly Gin Distillery

Orkney Distilling Ltd. might be the first distillery to be powered by green energy from hydrogen. Earlier this year, the Department of Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy, or BEIS, held the Industrial Fuel Switching Competition in the hopes of putting in an early investment into fuel switching processes and technologies in the industrial setting.
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