Medicine & TechnologyPluto is no longer a planet since the International Astronomical Union (IAU) determined in 2006 that it does not meet the requirements. But why are some scientists do not accept this? Read the article to find out.
The International Astronomical Union (IAU) launches the NameExoWorlds 2022 competition to name an exoplanet and its host star. Check out how to join the competition in this article.
There may be an exoplanet in the universe with your name. Read on to know how to help International Astronomical Union label planets that NASA's James Webb Space Telescope would examine.
A team of scientists wants IAU to reinstate Pluto as a planet and classify moons in the solar system as planets as well using an old definition from the 16th century. How does the IAU respond to this call?
In August 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) released a controversial definition of "planet" that left Pluto out. But some astronomers were against this definition that demoted the distant orb.
Among the countless effects of anthropogenic activities, perhaps one of the lesser known problems is the diminishing number of our dark sky preserves - facing threats from land-use practices to air pollution.