Tags: Japan

Deep-Ocean Sound Waves Might Stop Tsunamis

Scientists have discovered that deep-ocean sound waves can stop or decrease tsunami waves. Tsunamis, known as destructive waves or seismic sea waves might be stopped with deep-ocean sound waves.

Scientists Shed Light on Beaming Solar Power from Space

While there might be limits to the amount of solar power we can collect here on Earth, scientists have long been studying the notion of harnessing solar power from the endless supply that can be found in space. Now, what was once just a notion in the mind of researchers has taken a huge step towards becoming a reality.

Japan's Volcanos Threaten Nuclear Reactors, Expert Warns

One volcano expert is warning that Japan's massive 2011 earthquake--which damaged the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant and caused a nuclear crisis--could cause large volcanic eruptions in the coming years, yet he could not say when people could expect the eruptions to happen.
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