SPACEAn international team of scientists explored the inner radiation belts of Jupiter and found high-energy oxygen and sulfur ions supplied by the distant magnetosphere of less explored energetic ion sources.
Earth's magnetic field tilted about 41,000 years ago causing the Laschamp event in which the lessened magnetic pull that sent auroras wandering toward unexpected places on Earth,
A recent study suggests that a magnetic field equal to refrigerator magnets could be enough to protect Mars and future human inhabitants from Solar Wind.
A study recently found higher electromagnetism levels caused cellular changes through underwater cables, in crustaceans particularly crabs, affecting blood cells.
A new study suggests that future missions, including the trip to Mars, should not exceed four years and must be conducted during the solar maximum to protect human health and equipment from space radiation and harmful particles.
A recent study investigated the true capability of a cosmic ray to shape the dynamics of a galaxy. Cosmic rays are known to exist outside space and present themselves in subnuclear particle formation.
The idea that the moon possessed a magnetic shield was first proposed in the 1970s, based on examinations of lunar samples acquired during NASA's Apollo missions.
A collaboration for the first time has been collecting evidence that the magnetic sense of migratory songbirds like European birds is based on a particular light-sensitive protein in the eye.
Thousands of kilometers beneath the ground, a scientific phenomenon involving the Earth's core occurs and according to experts, it's an occurrence no one can explain.
"Downtown" space is just about 25,800 light-years away, a short hop in cosmic distances. A light year is the number of years that light travels, in this case to reach the Earth.
The recent discovery of abundant helium in Saturn's structure may answer questions about the origins of gaseous planets in and out of our solar system.
NASA has peered into the chromosphere to return multi-height measurements of its magnetic field. The sun's magnetic fields give rise to different eruptions in its outer atmosphere.
Thirty years ago, Voyager 2 made a flyby on Uranus which sent valuable data back to Earth. But it was not only recently that scientists discovered that there are plasmoids in Uranus, an indication that its atmosphere is being stripped away.