MEDICINE & HEALTHThe National Weather Services earlier today said people may suffer respiratory problems due to a persistent bloom of poisonous red tide off the Gulf Coast of Florida.
A new Titanic expedition has recently uncovered new illustrations of the well-known shipwreck, 12,500 feet underneath the surface of the North Atlantic, which includes the stained-glass window frame.
There are a number of factors that affect the ecological balance of the oceans, and a new study offers insight into how atmospheric acidity also harms the waters and those living in them.
A pioneering study recently found that marine ecosystems can begin functioning again, providing vital roles for humans, after being wiped out much sooner compared to their return to peak biodiversity.
Research shows that oil rigs repurposed as reefs are one of the most successful marine habitats. Decommissioned oil rig sitting on the Pacific Ocean waters has been the new home for a thriving ecosystem.
Microfiber pollution in the form of laundry lint has serious effects on the health of mussels. Alongside chemical pollutants, a new study reveals implications of microplastic pollution affecting large marine species such as whales and dolphins
Song of rare whale 'crying for mate' recorded for the first time. Marine biologists have for the first time recorded the song of the world's rarest large whale, the eastern North Pacific right whale, of which fewer than 30 individuals remain.
Scuba diving researchers circumnavigated 53 Island from 2002 to 2015 surveying marine life. (Photo : Christian Gloor) Green Sea Turtle / Chelonia mydas With the current condition of the Earth being affected by climate change, the reality that the bad news of having some species driven to extinction is somewhat inevitable.
The Canadian Government is looking the possibility of putting a ban on industrial activities in many of its protected areas, however, the rules may not apply to fisheries in conservation areas.
Shikine Island has been discovered to present unique underwater conditions that will help scientists in their search for solutions to save coral reefs and other marine life.