MEDICINE & HEALTHIn a study involving mice, researchers have determined that the amygdala, a part of the temporal lobe, could turn off pain signals in the brain. To learn more, click the link above and watch a video further explaining the functions of the amygdala.
Researchers have found that certain gut bacteria such as lactobacillus can improve the memory of mice. Although further studies need to be conducted before they can conclude its effectivity in humans, their findings prove to be a promising start.
Despite being fed high-fat diets, a study reveals that by blocking macrophages or inflammatory cells, low-grade inflammation related to obesity could also be controlled. Click the link above to learn more.
Good riddance chronic pain! A decade-long work has finally paid off as researchers successfully eliminated chronic pain in mice with the use of a compound called Tat-P4-(C5)2. They are now prepping for human trails and hoping that they can soon produce a drug without harmful side effects. Click the link above to learn more.
Female mice were sent to a rodent habitat in the ISS for 37 days. As part of an experiment, NASA sent 20 female mice to the International Space Station with the goal of observing their reaction to microgravity-both short and long term-and then further learning about how both humans and animals will possibly adapt to a different environment in space.
Spinal Cord Injury Repaired in Mice Spinal cord injuries are extremely tragic, often leading to irreversible paralysis. Many groups around the world are pursuing various treatment options.
Two New Breakthroughs In the Field of Genome Modification Genetic engineering is not only a hot button issue in the media, but also a crucial tool in biological research.
Humans and Mice Are Two Identical Yet Different Creatures For the longest time around, in most research studies on health and medicine, mice have been the favorite "substitute" for humans in experiments or tests.