SPACEResearchers using the James Webb Space Telescope find Milky Way-like galaxy, ceers-2112, challenging galaxy formation ideas. Check out this article for more details.
Milky Way's ancient continents, possibly 5 billion years older than Earth's, hint at advanced extraterrestrial life on distant exoplanets, reveals recent research. Read the article for more details.
A team of NASA scientists successfully simulated a glimpse of our galaxy in gravitational waves, providing better insights into the structure and evolution of the Milky Way. Read the article to find out more.
Astronomers detect an intense activity period in the Milky Way's core as a supermassive black hole devours gas and dust. Read the article to learn more.
A novel search method aims to pick up and investigate radio pulses from Milky Way's center, as these could be greetings from alien life. Read to learn more.
NASA's $10 billion space telescope has taken images of six galaxies that were between 500 and 700 million years old, which baffled scientists because they are too big for their age. Read the article to learn more about this discovery.
Scientists say the more stars in the galaxy, the faster it enriches itself with oxygen, iron, and other essential elements. Read the article to learn more.
Astronomers saw a tadpole molecular cloud that seems to be orbiting a hidden black hole, which they think causes the unique shape of the cloud of gas. Read the article to learn more.
Astronomers have achieved the first verified observation of a binary star system that is so rare only 10 of them exist in the Milky Way. Read the article to learn more about them.
An image from the MeerKAT radio telescope shows radio emissions from different phenomena, including the heart of the Milky Way galaxy from 25,000 light-years away. Check out its stunning photo that looks like contemporary art in this article.
After analyzing the second dataset from the Dark Energy Camera Plane Survey, astronomers were able to come up with a comprehensive astronomy catalog of over 3.3 billion celestial objects. Read to know more.
The sonic boom was generated when a rogue galaxy invaded Stephen's Quintet at a speed of 1.8 million mph, causing a ripple through the interstellar plasma. Read the article for more details.
While astronomers previously thought of the Milky Way's stellar halo to be spherical, recent findings show that this is not the case. Read to know more.
Interesting structures, known as odd radio circles (ORCs), that have ten times the diameter of Milky Way have been spotted across the universe. Read to know more about these structures.
Astronomers assume that dark matter plays a significant role in the universe, although it has been impossible to prove directly its existence. Read the article to learn how the antihelium nuclei would help the quest for dark matter.
Scientists call the bundle of stars at the center of the galaxy the 'poor old heart of Milky Way' due to their old age and metal-poor composition. Read the article to learn more details.
Two astrophysicists are trying to observe the second-closest supermassive black hole to Earth that can be found in the nearby dwarf galaxy Leo I. Read the article to learn more details.