SPACENASA has created a shortlist of astronauts for its Artemis program, including nine hopeful females who could become the first woman to walk on the Moon. Read the article to know more.
NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) has made another invaluable contribution to the Moon after finding a spot where the temperature is suitable for humans. Check out this article and see if it is habitable like Earth.
The challenges the US faced in the past decades have hindered the country to achieve its goals in space exploration. Check out this article on how more funding for NASA could accelerate these missions.
Space scholars explain why China could not claim the moon, dismissing NASA's fears about the Asian country taking over it. Continue reading to know how international space law plays an important role in this matter.
The 55-pound moon probe of NASA has successfully burned its first engine towards the moon. What else should we look forward to from CAPSTONE? Read to know more.
The microwave-size CAPSTONE CubeSat of NASA will test a new orbit for the space agency's Gateway station around the moon. Read the article for more details.
The Moon and planet Saturn will be visible to the naked eye or through a pair of binoculars on Saturday as it begins its monthly trip. Read on to learn when you can watch the extraordinary sky event.
Researchers in China have spent a decade compiling data from their lunar missions to create a high-resolution picture of the Moon's geology. Check out this lunar map in this article.
NASA plans to include a special investigation of the bizarre domes on the lunar surface in the upcoming Artemis and PRISM missions. Read more about the mystery of the domes and how the space agency plans to reveal its secrets.
President Joe Biden wished Elon Musk "lots of luck on his trip to the moon" after the latter said he had to cut jobs in his company, Tesla, Inc. Read more to know their fiery exchanges at each other.
Scholars from the University of Florida developed an effective way to grow plants on the lunar surface. Read more about the experiment and how it would help our astronauts in the future
Experts add new evidence to the theory that waters might be hiding underneath the lunar surface. Read more about how these waters appeared on the moon.
A TikToker claims that a giant asteroid half the size of the moon will pass by Earth next year. Read on to know if the space rock warning should be taken seriously or not.
Space is a very cold place in which atoms are at the point where they almost no longer move. Find out which place in the Solar System is the coldest and how it compares to Earth.
UCSB recently developed a robot that could jump as high as 100 feet. Read more about the machine's potential, and how it might be the next exploration robot that could be deployed on future moon missions.
Experts discovered that Saturn's largest moon, Titan, has weird similarities to Earth's seasonal changes and landscapes. Read more about the factors that make the massive moon and Earth-like structure.
The now-defunct Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) financed a covert research project to bomb the moon. Continue reading to know why.
The test version of the NaviMoon satellite navigation receiver will be integrated into the Lunar Pathfinder for testing. Find out how it will help future lunar missions.