Tags: NASA

Andromeda Galaxy Scanned Through NuSTAR

NASA released images of X-ray binaries surrounding the Andromeda galaxy. Andromeda Galaxy, the nearest spiral galaxy to the Milky Way, was scanned by NASA through Nuclear Spectroscopic Space Telescope Array (NuSTAR).

Asteroid To Pass By Earth On Christmas Eve

It is going to be a double treat for space enthusiasts this holiday season as two significant events will happen on the eve and the night of Christmas this year.

Rock-Forming Element Found On Mars

NASA's roaming robot machine Curiosity discovered an enormous amount of the most abundant minerals under the land surface of Mars.

New Horizons Data Provide More Details About Pluto

The New Horizons team presented details of Pluto from data returned by the spacecraft. The New Horizons ground team has discussed new details about Pluto's geological process, composition and hazes at the meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.

Rare Cold Moon Set To Appear On Christmas Day

A Cold Moon will appear this Christmas Day for the first time in 40 years. According to NASA, this would be the first time in decades that a full Moon will light up the pre-dawn sky on Christmas Day.

NASA Photos: Lightsaber In Space

NASA claimed to have seen what seems to be a huge, cosmic, double-sided lightsaber projecting out from a new star.

NASA Started Hiring Astronauts For Future Projects

NASA opened its doors for the search of future astronauts. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration or better known as NASA is the American government group that deals with space studies.

Phytoplankton Bloom Puts Color In The Ocean

NASA took a picture of a phytoplankton bloom that put colors all over the North Atlantic Ocean. The North Atlantic Ocean has transformed into a mass of colorful space that looks like a Vincent Van Gogh piece.

NASA Wants Out From ISS

NASA announced its plan to get out of the ISS project. The ISS or International Space Station is the massive spacestation that revolves around our planet.

Apollo 16 Booster Crash Site Location Pinpointed

Jeff Plescia has found the location of the lost Apollo 16 booster. Forty-three years after the Apollo 16 mission was completed, the location of the Apollo 16 booster has been finally located.

Interesting Particles Look Like Snow In Space

NASA scientists thought that flurry images that look like snow are actually fast moving energetic particles, which NASA calls solar radiation storm that hit an instrument on Solar and Heliospheric Observatory on Oct. 29, 2015.

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