Tags: Nature
Penguin-Friendly Rover Finds Its Place Amongst the Crowd
Vampire-Like Deer Reveals Itself in Time for Halloween
Endangered Gray Wolf May Have Made a Trip to Grand Canyon
An Urban Legend or Possible Truth? Amelia Earhart May Have Been Eaten Alive
Crytptic New Species of Leopard Frog Found in New York City
The Past And Present of Biotechnology—What Designs Nature Will Inspire
How Ancient Kangaroos Walked Off the Face of the Earth and Hopped into Future Generations
What’s the Worst Case Scenario? Hawaii’s Kilauea Lava Flow
US Fish & Wildlife Service Say African Lions May be Extinct by 2050
Hawaiian Kilauea Volcano Lava Flow—Update (Oct. 28)
The Story Behind 100-Year-Old Journal Found In Antarctica
Megalodon extinction, a relief for whales?
Hawaiian Lava Flow Prompts Evacuation on Big Island
Another ‘Big’ Species Added to Endangered Species List? The Sasquatch Debate
How the Milky Way Dominates the Stellar Block—Dwarf Galaxies, Get Out of the Way
On Droughts and Dust Bowls—California Looks Back to 1934
How A Parasite Became a Power House—The Tale of Mitochondria
New Research Started After Rare Beaked Whale Washed Ashore Near Sydney
Horned Frog's Slimy Tongue Sticks to Services with Adhesive Strength
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Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Giant Predatory Amphipod Discovered Thriving 8,000 Meters Below in Extreme Deep-Sea Environment

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists