Tags: Science

Diabetes Could Affect Brain Growth in Children

MEDICINE & HEALTH While diabetes is often known as a disease affecting the breakdown of sugar, most do not know about the implications of the disease's affects on the circulatory system. As a disease that limits blood flow, as well as organ health, diabetes has been known to cause other dreaded ailments, that if left unchecked, may have a debilitating effect on a person's life. Vital organs are the usual casualties of diabetes, with cataracts that lead to blindness, as well as, kidney malfunction being some of the ramifications associated with the disease. A recent study published in the journal Diabetes found that type-one diabetes may affect another organ in children in particular-the brain. The study saw a difference in brain development of children with diabetes, compared with children not suffering from the disease.

Hearing Loss Caused by HIV and its Treatments

A new study has shown that adults suffering from HIV often experience hearing loss in the upper and lower frequency ranges after years of treatments with power antiretroviral medications.

Irish High Court Rules In What They Believe is Best Interest for Dead Mother and Unborn Fetus

After nearly a month of debates and testimonies arguing the legal rights of an unborn fetus, a three-judge panel of the Irish High Court ruled on Friday Dec. 26 that in the case of a pregnant mother being declared clinically dead, that doctors may choose to turn off life support, and in-effect terminate the pregnancy, if the fetus has little chance of survival.

Tesla Updates Out-of-Production Roadster – 400 Miles to the Charge

Announced via Twitter on Christmas by Elon Musk with details to follow on the Tesla blog, Tesla Motors says they will be releasing some major updates for the Roadster. The Roadster was the electric vehicle maker's very first model. It was also the world's very first vehicle in production to actually use a lithium ion battery. The hype about the fully electric vehicles back then was as justified as the hype about these updates are now.

Scientists Use Human Skin Cells to Develop Gametes

In a significant development in the science world, scientists have used human skin cells and embryonic stem cells to create gametes. This breakthrough at the University of Cambridge is the first for human cells.

First Caramel Apples, Now the Ice Cream May be Infected—Listeria Epidemic

First it’s the caramel apples, now it’s contaminated ice cream. Where will the CDC draw the line? In a recent international outbreak of bacterial infection Listeria, health officials from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have investigated recent deaths and sourced the outbreak back to potentially bad batches of pre-made caramel apples sold in retail stores such as Safeway over the past few months. But now, as the holiday season is in full bloom and more cases are popping up day after day, CDC officials are finding other sources, as well, and are now putting a warning on ice cream potentially infected in some areas of the nation.

Illegal Import May Be the Death of a Few Species, Including Humans—Coconut Crab in Hawaii

In a strange sequence of events, officials with Hawaii’s Department of Agriculture reported that an illegally transported Coconut Crab was found roaming down Honolulu’s Salt Lake Boulevard early this past weekend. And while the species may sound like a small an unassuming small beach crab, with claws strong enough to pierce through coconuts, the discovery of one on the island has researchers and department officials on edge from the possibilities of what may come.

After CDC Warning, Safeway Pulls Caramel Apples From Shelves

U.S. consumers are being advised to avoid eating caramel apples that have been commercially produced. This recommendation follows an outbreak of listeriosis in several states across the U.S. that has been linked to commercial caramel apples. Now, Safeway has withdrawn from its shelves caramel apples in response to the latest warning issued by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), along with a few threats of lawsuits looming around the corner.

Lava Flow Stalls 700 Yards away from Shopping Center

Officials at the Hawaii County Civil Defense expected to see the lava reach the Pahoa Shopping Center on or around Christmas. Fortunately, the flow seems to have come up short. According to the Associated Press, civil defense administrator Darryl Oliveira said on Tuesday that the lava appears to have stalled and hardened just 700 yards away from the island's biggest shopping center.

Facebook Comments on Class Action Lawsuit—Are They Going Through Your Messages?

After more than a year of legal fees and litigation, Facebook has finally seen the course of what their class action lawsuit will entail for them, and now they’re commenting back. Now you might view Facebook as the protectors of your dirty little secrets, or even the social media source connecting you to your friends worldwide, but a new class-action lawsuit the company faces alleges that Facebook employs have been scanning users’ messages for information—and your messages may have been hacked too.

Must See: 5 Months in Space Compressed into 6 Minutes

The European Space Agency compiled the five months' worth of pictures down to a 6 minute video that, while depicting space in the most accurate way, feels like science fiction to watch. The video shows natural phenomena such as auroras, lightening and other intense weather patterns like us earth-dwellers have never seen before. It even shows the most breathtaking views of lit-up cities, deep blue oceans, stars and clouds.

What Manganese and the Trade Winds Tell Researchers about the Coral Bleaching Epidemic of the Pacific

Researchers from the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), tasked with monitoring the overall health of Pacific coral reefs are sounding an alarm of international proportions to notify the public and government agencies that the Pacific Ocean coral reefs are facing a massive die-off known commonly as “coral bleaching”. Publishing their recent study in the journal Nature Geoscience, the researchers are pointing towards warming oceans and dying trade winds for the massive coral bleaching soon to hit these coral reefs, and are naming global climate change as a contributing factor.

Recently Invented Gecko Gloves Excite both Children and NASA

Stanford Graduate student Elliot Hawkes took on the task of creating a Gecko-inspired controllable adhesive for part of his dissertation project. The resulting product is causing excitement far beyond the mechanical engineering department at Stanford.

Making Sense of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles (FCVs)

As stated by the California Fuel Cell Partnership, the primary benefits of operating an FCV are that they provide, "provide customers with a no-compromise electric-drive vehicle with longer range, quick refill, high performance and comfort along with zero emissions and a low-carbon and potentially renewable fuel."

New Study of the Brain Reveals Smartphone Use Changes It

Ever think your electronics may change the way your brain functions? Well as it so happens a new study shows that smartphone usage leaves a mark on the part of your brain that processes touch, although it actually makes you smarter. Swiss researchers were curious about the effect of using digital devices on the digits doing the swiping and tapping, and now according to the study published in the journal Current Biology, all of the typing with your thumb and swiping with your index and middle fingers may be training your brain's somatosensory cortex.

Keurig Recalls more than 7 Million Coffee Makers Due to Burn Risk

This morning, after receiving over 200 reports of hot liquid spraying from the brewer of their single-serve coffee makers, Keurig (produced by Green Mountain Inc.) issued the recall of over 7 million machines as consumers entered the final leg of the holiday season. And while the reports may not seem like a cause for concern, over 90 burn-related injuries, the company is taking every precaution to recall the faulty equipment.

Dr. Oz's Health Recommendations Fall Short of Science

Dr. Mehmet Oz, better known as Dr. Oz or "America's Doctor," comes under scrutiny this week as researchers from Canada's University of Alberta publish a study that proves less than one-third of his medical suggestions are based in scientific fact.

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