Medicine & TechnologyNew York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman has filed a lawsuit against two tanning salon franchises - Portafino Spas, LLC and Total Tan, Inc., saying there is "nothing safe about indoor tanning." He has also served notice that intends to sue Beach Bum Tanning Salons and Planet Fitness as well. Together, the four franchises operate 155 tanning salons around the state.
According to new research from Yale University and the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), drinking coffee everyday could reduce your for malignant melanoma skin cancer.
We're all aware of how we should be protecting ourselves from the sun's cancer-causing ultraviolet rays: Sunscreen, occupying the shade, and minimal sun exposure. We're force-fed those precautions each and every summer. But what if your daily coffee run could be just as beneficial? An study recently published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI), may just reveal the link between coffee consumption and decreased rates of melanoma.
A recent study found that indoor tanning is not as harmless as it appears to be. According to the study conducted by researchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), indoor tanning has sent people to hospitals after getting burns, eye injuries, and loss of consciousness. Among the long-term effects associated with the activity are: cancer of the skin, cataracts and melanoma.