Tags: Stars

How To Tell Time Without Using Clocks

How To Tell Time Without Using Clocks

Long before the clock is invented, ancient people have learned various ways of telling the time through available resources. Here are some of those.

5 Best High-Tech Beginner-Friendly Telescopes for Viewing Planets and Stars

Astronomy-lover? If so, then you definitely need a telescope. Determining the best telescope for viewing planets and stars can be a daunting feat. Fret not, as this list will guide you in determining which telescope works best for you and your needs. Click the link above to find the best telescope for checking out the stars.

Blob Of Star Gas Spotted by The Hubble

The hubble, NASA’s eyes on the sky recently spotted a huge blob of star gas in the sky. Whenever people look at the night sky, it is filled with bright shining stars.

The Star that Astronomers Say “Should Not Exist”

A very old star is found, and its contents are a bit weird. In the halo of the Milky Way, a tiny, ancient star called J0023+0307 drifts about. It's very old indeed, which isn't uncommon for stars in the halo-but it contains no detectable carbon, which is rather unusual.

The Milky Way’s Mid-section is Full of Relic-like Stars

The oldest stars in our galaxy are being studied. Astronomers have gazed into our galaxy and have found some of the oldest stars recorded to date. In a study to be published in the April 2019 issue of the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, researchers analyzed a cluster of old, dim stars called HP1, located about 21,500 light-years away from Earth in the gut of our galaxy's central bulge.
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