Tags: Threatened Species

Herbivores, Not Predators, Are at Most Risk of Extinction

Herbivores are apparently facing the greatest risk of extinction, a new study suggests. Herbivores, animals whose diets revolve around plants, are supposedly facing the highest risk of extinction, a new study suggests.

Seahorses Are Being Threatened by Illegal Harvesting

In theory, seahorses are protected animals. In a row of shops in Sheung Wan, on the western side of Hong Kong Island, the seahorses are stored in plastic boxes and glass jars, their elongated, S-shaped bodies stacked like spoons.

Threatened Thresher Shark Birth Captured on Film

Thresher sharks are among the open ocean's most interesting predators, using their elongated tails to herd and stun schools of fish. And now, for the first time, a mother pelagic thresher shark was caught on camera giving birth off the Philippine coast.

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