ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEA recent discovery shows that Mayan people rebuilt their settlements from volcanic ashes and rocks within 5 years after Central America's largest eruption, Tierra Blanca Joven.
The small Spanish Island in the Atlantic Called called La Palma is struggling for days due to a volcanic eruption that led to the evacuation of thousands of people. Authorities warn of more dangers to come due to the ongoing explosions.
A new study confirmed that the Chicxulub impact is still the most plausible culprit back in the Late Cretaceous mass extinction rather than the series of violent volcanisms.
September 19 marks the sixth month of the Volcanic Eruption that's presently fascinating spectators close to Reykjavik in Iceland, making it the longest this country has experienced and witnessed in over five decades.
A new study from NASA suggests that the planetary and atmospheric structure of Mars have been influenced by thousands of volcanic super eruptions 4 billion years ago.
The USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observation scientists performed a detailed gas survey of the Kīlauea caldera floor and rim for better insight into the present gas emissions.
A new study suggests that volcanoes are responsible for the first existence of oxygen on Earth 100 million years earlier than the Great Oxidation Event.
Scientists say underwater volcanic eruptions could possibly power the entire US, but harnessing such potential energy would need a very difficult effort.
The recent Mount Etna eruption spewed 1,500 meter fountains of lava for the fifth time since it first went active on February 16. Officials report no injuries or fatalities reported but caused the temporary shut down of Catania Airport.
Geoscientists discovered that some of the stories of Earth's massive volcanic eruptions are written in nanoparticles in the microscopic bubbles of magma.
A team of scientists has created a new method for reconstructing the size of volcanic eruptions that have occurred long ago in the past, revolutionizing the study of previous eruptions and estimating hazards of future volcanic activities.
Human tissue from nearly 2,000 years ago was unique preserved after volcanic ash cooled after Mount Vesuvius erupted in a process called vitrification. A similar analysis can be conducted on victims from recent events including fires and other volcanic eruptions.
An international research team has established the precise date of a major volcanic eruption that laid waste to the Maya civilization some 1590 years ago.
Historic records say that the rise of the Roman empire is a periodic of unexplained extreme climate and a new study suggests that the volcanic eruption in Alaska may have caused it.