TECH & INNOVATIONStudies are underway in determining if an FDA-approved prescription video game for children with ADHD can be used to treat COVID-19 survivors with cognitive disorders.
Mark Hodak, the co-founder of Elon Musk's Neuralink, said that the firm could create super exotic dinosaurs if they wanted to and create a real-life version of Jurassic Park.
A recent study shows that remote-controlled Venus flytrap 'Robo-plants' and crops that alert farmers when they are struck by disease could become a reality.
Chinese robotics firm Unitree shared a video of their four-legged robots moving in unison which has many people believing that a robot takeover may not be too farfetched.
Scientists built the Emojify website that urges people to pull faces in front of the camera to help understand how AI emotion recognition technology works.
Originally, captioning technology was built into television sets, and the past 10 years have brought more fine-tuning of accessibility necessities to streaming services.
A wireless brain computer interface can help paralyzed people type on PCs and use their tablets by using their minds wherever they go, trials from a study revealed.
A team led by MIT is trying "to give robots superhuman perception" with a new design. Robots have been developed with various senses, often depending on their intended application - from vision, touch, and even smell and taste.
In a deep part of the Black Sea, situated between Europe and Asia, the waters still respond to a climate change pattern prompted by the last Ice Age - a period which officially ended about 12,000 years ago.
For the first time, scientists from the ALPHA collaboration at CERN reported successfully manipulating antimatter using a laser system - potentially changing antimatter research and guide future experiments on the field.