Understanding the Key Tech Required in Vertical Farming

Vertical farming involves; growing crops indoors under artificial temperature and lighting conditions. This technology focuses on increasing productivity in small places. It utilizes soil-free methods like aeroponics, aquaponics, and hydroponics. Read on to understand the main tech you need for your vertical farm.
The Benefits Collaborative Robots Can Bring To Healthcare

The Benefits Collaborative Robots Can Bring To Healthcare

In technological automation, healthcare is one of the industries that can benefit from adopting the use of collaborative robots. For many years, specialists in the medical field have looked for ways to improve service delivery in medicine. Collaborative robots are one of the most effective solutions to staffing issues in healthcare, among other uses.

Too Small, Too Cool: NIST Scientists Miniaturize Laser Cooling

Scientists from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have managed to create a smaller version of the optical components that can cool atoms down close to absolute zero - a few thousandths of a degree from 0 Kelvins.

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