5 Things You Need to Know About A Crypto ICO

5 Things You Need to Know About A Crypto ICO

Cryptocurrencies have opened a new way for investors. In recent years, people are more interested to invest in cryptocurrencies. Some investors also invest in initial coin offerings of a cryptocurrency. This is a form of fundraising from the public by offering them a virtual coin in exchange for money.
Scientists Are Making Bomb-Sniffing Bugs Inspired From Locust's Ability To Smell and Trace Explosives

Scientists Create Bomb-Sniffing Locusts

Researchers found that locusts can smell explosives and determine their location. This ability is what inspires scientists to make bomb-sniffing cyborg locusts, but there are a few technical concerns that need to be aswered before using them in the field.

New Photodetector Exceeds 100% Efficiency

A team from Aalto University in Espoo, Finland, has created a black silicon photodetector that has exceeded 100%—the first to surpass what was thought to be the theoretical limit for external quantum efficiency.

Identifying Twitter Troll Messages Using This New Strategy

Troll internet messages have a specific goal that they also try to hide while trolling in the internet. a new strategy developed by Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany demonstrates how two algorithms can identify Twitter trolls.
Look: NASA Satellite Maps Extent of Beirut Explosion

Look: NASA Satellite Maps Extent of Beirut Explosion

NASA revealed the devastating extent of the explosion that happened in Beirut, Lebanon on August 4. The world was shocked to hear the news of the explosion in Beirut caused by 2,700 tons of ammonium nitrate stored in the city's port.
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Why Does Hair Make Your Razor Blades Dull?

The age-old question of how sharp razors and blades are dulled by shaving something as soft and thin as human hair has been observed by engineers from MIT.

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