7 Twitter Marketing Tools To Grow Your Following

Twitter is one of those platforms that if you harness correctly, it can make your business, brand or influencer career. But how can you effectively grow your following so that people start noticing you and want to collaborate with you, buy from you and generally engage with you?
Thermal Imaging Camera

Warning: Heat-Cam Can Detect Breast Cancer

41-year-old traveller Bal Gill found out about her cancer after an interactive exhibit on a thermal camera, also known as heat-cam, that revealed a tumor on one side of her breasts.
4 Most Important Innovations in Nursing

4 Most Important Innovations in Nursing

Nursing has changed significantly over the past ten years. Thanks to technology and innovation, nurses are in a better position to take care of their patients. The tools and resources at their disposal allow them to make patients as comfortable as possible.
Assoc Prof Ling Xing Yi (right) with PhD student Phan Quang Gia Chuong (left) operating the gas analyzer laser device

New Portable Device Can Provide Real-Time Air Analysis

The handy technology could produce instant analyses of air taken from a distance. (Photo : NTU Singapore) The reality—our increasingly polluted environments call for increasingly efficient technology that will help both scientists and consumers in their daily activities.

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