Free Apps All Dog Owners Should Download On Their Phones

For dog lovers, pleasing their beloved pet is the number one goal. Aside from the traditional way of training and playing with them, there are applications that will make your life easier and will keep your god healthy and happy.

AI Identifies and Classifies Wild Animal Behavior

AI-driven activity recognition has been used to record emotions of wild animals from walking style, it can also estimate how many people are in a room and it can create videos from start and end frames alone. But that is not all this invention is good for.

Aerogel Could Revolutionize Solar Energy Collection

The material lets sunlight pass through easily but blocks solar heat from escaping. A newly developed material that is so perfectly transparent you can barely see it could unlock many new uses for solar heat.

Siberian Cat is Fitted with Prosthetic Paws After Frostbite

An adorable cat who lost all four of his paws to frostbite has been fitted with a new set of titanium feet. Abandoned tom Ryzhik was out in -40C temperatures in Siberia, causing gangrene which led to him having his paws removed. Normally, injuries like this would result in the cat being put to sleep.

Friends, Not Fitbit, More Predictive of Health, Says Studies

What the researchers discovered was the social network structure provides a significant improvement in predictability of wellness states of an individual over using the data derived from wearables, like the number of steps or heart rate

Artificial Intelligence To Help Translate Infant Cries

When babies start to cry, their primary caregivers are signalled that they are either hungry, sleepy or need a diaper change. However, not matter how simple this may seem, to first time parents, a baby's cry always means something they have yet to comprehend. Luckily, a group of researchers from the Northern Illinois University is working on an AI that will help parents make a distinction between what are normal cries and what cries are a result of an illness.

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