TECH & INNOVATIONThe pain passes within 8 minutes—no pills, no injections. With the development of the natural biomagnetic method by a Filipino professor came the long-awaited breakthrough in the fight against pain.
A new virtual reality video game developed to detect Alzheimer’s is working. When most people think of Alzheimer's disease they think of an illness that impairs a person's memory.
The discovery brought the dream of a ‘universal’ quantum computer a step closer to reality Similar to memories in computers, quantum memories are essential components for quantum computers, a new generation of data processors that obey quantum mechanics laws and can overcome the limitations of classical computers.
The number of dead users could increase to 4.9 billion before the end of the century Academics from the Oxford Internet Institute (OII), a section of the University of Oxford, have made a recent analysis that predicts the dead may outnumber the living on Facebook within fifty years, a drift that will have severe consequences on how we handle our digital heritage in the future.
When we queue up future virtual assistants to get advice on how we should dress for the day’s weather or which route to work will be quickest, the answers may soon look like they’re coming from a living, breathing human being thanks to advanced digital rendering techniques.
Surgeons could be assisted in the operating theatre by medical robots following the first demonstration of a robot that can navigate autonomously inside the body.
Technology could in effect give voice back to people with conditions such as Parkinson’s For people who have lost their voice through paralysis and conditions such as throat cancer, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Parkinson's disease, there may just be hope to regain what they've lost.
Malawian teen taught himself how to build a windmill from library books. His native Malawi had gone through one of its worst droughts seven years ago, killing thousands.
Researchers have developed a new technology to produce longer-lasting lithium batteries. In 1980, John Goodenough invented the modern lithium-ion battery.
A biologist from Rochester has developed an innovative method to create nacre in the laboratory (Photo : Hannes Grobe/AWI)Mother of pearl with accrued pearls Nacre, also known as mother-of-pearl, is an exceptionally tough material that can be found in shells and pearls.
Microsoft developed a coding language for children who are blind or visually impaired. There are 63,357 children who are blind or visually impaired in the United States, according to a 2017 American Printing House for the Blind (APH) annual report.