Huawei Honor 9 key specs are leaking out online together with its price and release date. It is also doing great in GeekBench benchmark platform base on the score it got.
The supersonic car is ready for trial speed test on Oct. 26 at Newquay airport runway in Cornwall before attempting to break the land speed record next year.
A researcher at the Oxford University has discovered a water transition in space, which has never seen before and will provide a deeper understanding of the universe.
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have unveiled a new technology in the deep learning computer system using light that computes faster than using the electricity.
A step forward is achieved in quantum cryptography after physicists from the University of Science and Technology of China and Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications reported their success to control and store quantum data in quantum memory.
The prospect of the creation of new fuels and other hydrocarbon is something that could add more renewable sources of energy made available by the Technical Research Institute in Finland and the Lappeenranta University of Technology.
The latest software update from AMD for the Radeon GPU will let every PC users enjoy the version. The Crimson Relive Edition tops up performance for Prey as well as Dirt 4.
The Android users can now download the Skype 8.0 that is available in the Google Play Store. A new Skype 8. 0 is now available for the Android users. Consumers now can have this messaging application in the Google Play Store.
Shifting food consumption habit by consuming edible insects is the answer to food security problem on the global scale, according to a researcher from University of Adelaide, Australia.
Researchers from the University of Copenhagen, University of Colorado, Tufts University and two institutions presented data that showed the determining factor of weight loss in fasting plasma glucose.
Motorola began to send invitations to launch a new smartphone on June 21 in Brazil. Motorola is ready to unveil another new smartphone on June 21. The company has begun to send invitations for this event that will be held in Brazil.