The cause of fibromyalgia, a chronic pain syndrome is not known. The cause of fibromyalgia, a chronic pain syndrome is not known. However, the results of a new study that compares brain activity in individuals with and without fibromyalgia indicate that decreased connectivity between pain-related and sensorimotor brain areas could contribute to deficient pain regulation in fibromyalgia, according to an article published in Brain Connectivity, a peer-reviewed journal from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
New research in the FASEB Journal suggests that a synthetic version of the sperm protein PAWP satisfies criteria of genuine sperm-borne oocyte activation for IVF
Gut microbe in patients may tip doctors about the disease Gut microbe in patients may tip doctors about the disease Many people recognize "the bubble boy" as an unusual character from a "Seinfeld" episode or a John Travolta movie.
TAU researcher harnesses gold nanoparticles to engineer novel biocompatible cardiac patch TAU researcher harnessaes gold nanoparticles to engineer novel biocompatible cardiac patch Because heart cells cannot multiply and cardiac muscles contain few stem cells, heart tissue is unable to repair itself after a heart attack.
Following the proper guidelines could save money and discomfort of unnecessary screenings Following the proper guidelines could save money and discomfort of unnecessary screenings Colonoscopies are a very valuable procedure by which to screen for the presence of colorectal cancer.
Engineers devise technology for rapidly testing drug-delivery vehicles in zebrafish. Engineers devise technology for rapidly testing drug-delivery vehicles in zebrafish.
The findings point the way to potential therapies and showcase an investigative strategy The findings point the way to potential therapies and showcase an investigative strategy Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have discovered that a gene mutation linked to hereditary spastic paraplegia, a disabling neurological disorder, interferes with the normal breakdown of triglyceride fat molecules in the brain.
Unexpected results from an ongoing experiment in the lab of Kristi Neufeld, co-leader of the Cancer Biology Program at the University of Kansas Cancer Center, led to a potentially important discovery that could have an effect on how cancer researchers test anti-cancer therapies in mice as well as possibly prevent colon cancer in people.
Single-Neuron “Hub” Orchestrates Activity of an Entire Brain Circuit TAU maps precise triggers that activate and neutralize brain cell networks The idea of mapping the brain is not new.
Researchers find method for replacing missing enzyme in the brain Researchers find method for replacing missing enzyme in the brain MPS IIIB is a devastating and currently untreatable disease that causes progressive damage to the brain, leading to profound intellectual disability, dementia and death -- often before reaching adulthood.
Research has shown that drinking caffeinated beverages and listening to music are two popular fatigue-fighting measures that drivers take, but very few studies have tested the usefulness of those measures.
UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers seeking novel treatments for anemia found that giving acetate, the major component of household vinegar, to anemic mice stimulated the formation of new red blood cells.
Gourmet pizza in school? According to a new Food and Brand Lab pilot study, published inAppetite, chef-made meals can increase participation in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) by 9% and overall selection and consumption of vegetables by 16%!
Parents with children at home should use ventilation when cooking with a gas stove, researchers from Oregon State University are recommending, after a new study showed an association between gas kitchen stove ventilation and asthma, asthma symptoms and chronic bronchitis.