TECH & INNOVATIONIt takes this AI-using author around six to eight hours to complete an entire book, while there were times when he finished a whole volume in just three hours. Read to learn more.
You've heard of the glass ceiling: a term coined in 1978 by writer Marilyn Loden who used it to succinctly describe the often invisible barriers women and minorities face in the workplace.
Neither telepathy or telekinesis, but rather complex technological devices - neuro-interfaces, working on the principle of brain-computer, have become a great prospect in medicine and an additional tool in the race for technological progress. Belarusian engineer Yuri Mitrakhovich invented one of the working systems in real life - the NeuroChat communication system, also known as the "Helmet of Freedom."
Do you want to train for a marathon, eat more protein, lower your blood pressure, practice yoga daily, or do anything else health-related? Setting goals will help you achieve whatever you're after health-wise, and you can use the tips below to do it.
A machine learning model based on AI was developed by a group of researchers to serve as predictive tool in locating rare minerals. Find out more about it in this article.
Scientists are actively seeking more effective ways to detect Parkinson's disease early and slow its progression. Check out this new AI-based tool capable of identifying underlying signs of the disease before visible symptoms appear.
The Titanic is currently 3,800 meters (12,500 feet) deep in the Atlantic Ocean, but a digital scan showed its unique 3D view for the first time to shed light on what exactly happened to the ship in 1912. Check it out in this article.
NASA's Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite spotted Kelvin waves traversing the Pacific in an eastward direction, which is regarded as a sign of El Niño. Read the article to learn more.
These days, however, the hospice experts at HealthKeeperz report that along with human compassion, modern caregivers are also embracing the latest advances in telemedicine, remote monitoring, and other technological breakthroughs to deliver an optimal end-of-life environment for their terminal patients.
Let's discuss how this information can be pulled from platforms like, and what methods can be used to predict and work in better harmony, for better profitability.