
Stem Cells Open Doors To Greater Understanding Of Neurlogical Diseases

Giving Cells a "Squeeze" Makes Them Divide Faster

Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Boston Children's Hospital have found that physically crowding cells, or "squeezing" them, affects the rate at which they grow and develop.

Flexing Some Muscle—How Onions May Be The Next Endeavor in Biomedical Engineering

While it may sound silly, it turns out onion tweezers may turn out to be the next endeavor in the study of biomedical engineering. And while this root vegetable is known to pack a pungent smell, it turns out that its epidermal cells pack quite a punch too—enough to even inspire artificial muscle formation. Okay, so this one needs a bit more explaining.

Oxygen May Boost Immune Cells Fighting Cancer

Researchers might have discovered another new weapon in the fight against cancer -- oxygen. In a new study in mice. researchers found that something as simple as breathing in extra oxygen might give immune cells the boost they need to attack cancer cells in the body.
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