Medicine & TechnologyThough this technique is years away from being used on humans, deaf mice showed significant hearing gain after undergoing genetic therapy test
Sahil Gulati and his team from Western Reserve University, school of medicine have made bovine rhodopsin from purified proteins to improve vision mechanism in human eyes. Rhodopsin is a modified form of vitamin A which is a light-sensitive protein, belongs to the G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs).
Diabetes mellitus or commonly Diabetes is one of the common metabolic diseases widespread among most of the people worldwide. This disease can affect the body restraint to control the sugar level in blood.
Killing superbugs have become much easier. Scientists used maple syrup extracts to boost the antimicrobial potency of antibiotics. The extract increases the permeability of bacteria which let the antibiotics to attack bacteria cell easier.
While working on the first insectary to grow human malaria parasites, researchers observed certain proteins that facilitate malaria parasites to 'walk through cell walls'
A new research dwells deep into the bone world - Its growth and development. Researchers observe that the traces of metal found in bones play an important role in strengthening the bones.